Magazine front cover: Learner Response


Mark out of 15 for Media Language: 8

Estimated A Level coursework grade: C / D

WWW: I agree with your evaluation – it is a new, original version of Teen Vogue (and recognisable as that brand) but your description as ‘slightly professional’ rather than fully professional is accurate. This self-awareness will be extremely helpful next year when working on your real coursework and hopefully you can use this project as inspiration to further develop the technical skills you mention struggling with (e.g. cutting out the background on Photoshop). Ultimately, this feels like an unfinished cover with the potential to be very good – we need to make sure your real coursework goes the extra mile.

EBI: There are a few areas we can improve on. Firstly, the unfinished element I mention above refers to the empty space in the bottom half of your cover. If you look at real Teen Vogue covers they don’t have that kind of empty space. Secondly, there is no obvious main flash or cover line to accompany the central image – this is a critical convention and very much feels like a missing piece on this cover. Finally, I can see what you’ve tried to do with the typography but the font/cover/placement just doesn’t quite have that professional finish. Lots of great lessons for your real coursework next year.

3.) Satisfactory application of knowledge and understanding of media language, A satisfactory cross-media production that contracts suitable narratives and shows occasional control of connotations

4.) I'd the page up more as the average Teen Vogue magazine doesn't have the amount of space that my magazine does which I believe would have increased my marks.

5.) Look more into the general conventions of the magazine that you do, although you aren't meant to copy the magazine, it should be similar to those magazines to the point it looks authentic enough.


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