MIGRAIN: Ideology

1) What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching this clip?    

Rich Vs Poor
Pro-Immigration vs Anti-Immigration
Left wing vs right wing

2) What ideologies are on display in this clip?

Lowering immigration into England and taxing the rich

Part 2: Media Magazine reading

Media Magazine issue 52 has two good articles on Ideology. You need to read those articles (our Media Magazine archive is here) and complete a few short tasks linked to them. 
Page 34: The World Of Mockingjay: Ideology, Dystopia And Propaganda

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

It is shown that the ruling class keep the poor under through civic means and that people will always find a way to rebel, usually not through civic means but through organising and connecting in other ways which is seen in The World of Mockingjay.

2) What view of capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games films?

The Games serve to keep the districts under control and to warn people to stay in line. Armies of ‘Peacekeepers’ are sent to each district to punish anyone who tries to defy the authority. People in the districts are also given so little money that that people are forced to break rules in order to survive.

3) What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

In The Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss was merely aware of the media surrounding her, but throughout the movies, the learns how to manipulate the media in order to influence beliefs of society. This can be used to show that we are able to manipulate the media in a way to influence the beliefs of others.

Page 48: They Live - Understanding Ideology

1) What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article?

Good will always prevail over evil
Law is better than disorder.
Law over disorder
Money can buy happiness
Pleasure is a goal in life

2) What does Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society?

Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggests that people in power maintain their control through consent and that the power of 
ideology derives primarily from ideas and structures.

3) What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology and consumerism?

Ideology is the greatest material power and dominates our day to day lives through one of the two forms of control: Repressive State Control, and Ideological State Apparatuses.

Ideological State Apparatuses: These looser institutions control and dominate implicitly through ‘common sense’ acceptance and social norms, rather than through fear.

Repressive State Control: The major institutions of society which are dominated by the ruling elite. These state agencies regulate social behaviour and repress the masses through violence, law, and fear.

4) Do YOU agree with the idea behind They Live - that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite? These are the big questions of A Level Media!

I believe that most individuals are controlled by media, but not to unthinkable extents, more so to their own extent. Every individual decides how much media they consume and sometimes how much they are affected by it, even going as far as to break their moral beliefs and ideals for the media they consume.


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