MIGRAIN: Narrative

1. Marvel Avengers

At the start of The Boys, it shows us one of the main characters (Hughie) with his girlfriend (Robin) and then her after being ran into by a man with super speed. This shows us that this is going to be a superhero related movie. Later in this episode, we discover that the man was a superhero and how they are corrupted. This event acts as a catalyst for Hughie's character development as it foreshadows his descent into the darkness as he tries to get revenge. This series starts in disequilibrium as it starts in a corrupted place where those who are in power rule and anyone who doesn't have power either believes whats been shown to them or ends up dead as collateral as seen with Robin

3. Harry Potter from Harry Potter, James Bond in Mission Impossible, and Batman in The Dark Knight

4. Light vs Darkness

5. When a Policeman catches a criminal, the idea of justice is reinforced. When the girl wins over the heart of a guy in a rom-com, the values of heterosexual relationships are reinforced

6. Problems and their complications create enigma for the audience. It peaks the audience's interest and makes them curious on how the problem will be resolved. Audiences can feel a scared in a horror narrative, excited in an action narrative, suspense and tension in a thriller narrative etc. They all make the audience feel emotions from viewing a piece of media depending on genre and interests them in a story, making them want to see how it would all play out.

Episodic Narrative - Numerous parts of fiction where the narrative arc is resolved at the end of each episode.

Overarching Narrative - It uses the traditional narrative arc of which every episode must be watched in order to understand the plot and resolution.

Mixed narrative - A mix of Episodic and Overarching narrative where every episode can be watched on their own but there is usually an arc that requires all episodes watched in order to understand.

Multi-Strand Overlapping narrative: An open narrative with no final resolution of the text and where each narrative strand has different characters and different stories.

8. Adverts use a problem and a solution as key elements in order to sell a product i.e. Lucozade reveal an advert where Kobe Bryant was tired during a game of basketball but after drinking Lucozade, he was able to fuel up on energy and score the last basket of the game.


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