MIGRAIN Assessment 1: Learner Response

WWW: We won't read too much into this grade as you started the course late and missed the majority of last half-term's lessons. Q2 and Q3 show potential so we need to build on that and fill in the gaps in our knowledge

EBI: Revise narrative and genre theory. Learn/Revise reception theory. You can't leave a 20-mark essay blank but I appreciate this is an unusual situation currently.

Q1: Unable to reference theorists i.e. Todorov, Barthes, Propps and narrative codes

Q2: Didn't talk about the reflection of UK working class for both figures.

Q3: Didn't talk about how producers can evolve genre to maintain audience

Q4: Unable to talk about Preferred, Oppositional or Negotiated readings

Q1. Could've Talked about audience perception

Q2. Talk about how Figure 2 establishes a sense of Brand Value

Q3. Talk about producers use genre to change it and maintain audience.

Q4. Talk about readings i.e. Preferred, Oppositional and Negotiated

Preferred, Oppositional and Negotiated Readings, Action Codes and Enigma codes, Reception theory, narrative and genre theory.

Q4: Write about Preferred, Oppositional and Negotiated. Use Mise-en-scene to build up on answers, Talk about theories learn in lesson


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